The Landscape FAQ's page has a list of landscaping "Frequently Asked Questions". If you have a landscaping or lawncare question, this is the first place to look. If your question is not listed here, then you can Submit a Landscape Question, and we'll email you a response with the answer.
When is the best time to water my lawn?
The best time to water the lawn is between 5am and 8am. Watering in the middle of the day will cause most of the water to evaporate, and the water that does not evaporate can act as a magnifying glass and actually burn the grass. Also, if you water at night, your lawn will be prone to fungus because of the water sitting on your lawn.
When can I cutback my leaves on my bulbs?
You should wait until the leaves have all turned brown and are lying on the ground. This is because while the leaves are still green, they are drawing in the nutrients for next year's bloom.
Can I
fertilize my lawn at the same time that I seed my lawn?
Yes, but you should NOT use a high nitrogen fertilizer. You should use a starter fertilizer which is low in nitrogen. You should be able to find a starter fertilizer at your local hardware store or nursery.
When is the best time to transplant trees and shrubs?
Late fall or winter is the best time to do your transplanting because most plant material is dormant and you will have a less likely chance of the plant going into shock. You also need to make sure you water the newly
transplanted material before you fill the hole in with dirt. And every day for the next week, you should water the plant using a slow trickle to ensure that the roots get a thorough soaking.
How do I prune a rosebush?
To prune a rosebush, take your clippers and place them at an angle a quarter inch above the first three-leaf stem that you want to leave on the branch. Squeeze the clippers to make a clean cut. Remove all dead blossoms and branches from your rosebush. Also, prune off branches that do not follow the shape you'd like your rosebush to achieve.
How many bags of mulch equals to one yard of mulch?
You will need 9 (3 cubic foot) bags of mulch to equal one yard of mulch.
Please be aware that this information is provided to help you beautify your yard, but there are no guarantees implied in the answers. For example, even if you water your lawn at the right time, you can still over-water it, causing it to be more susceptible to disease, bugs, and erosion.